VSCO Montage

In 2019, VSCO built a new mixed media storytelling feature for creators. I was brought into product development early on to lead naming exercises, which resulted in the name of this tool — Montage.

I was then assigned the role of creative lead on the product marketing campaign, which involved driving concepting sessions, identifying talent, and directing our creative partners on everything from messaging to design to sound in order to bring this campaign to life on VSCO’s owned and paid media channels.


With the launch of Montage on VSCO, we’re embracing all the layers that make us, us — a multidimensional representation of different mediums, identities, and cultures coming together to remind us that we’re a part of something bigger.

This is a story about shared movement. About a never ending pulse. An ebb and flow in form.

This is where we celebrate all parts of our collective being — the parts we understand and the parts we don’t. The parts that work together in harmony and the parts that pull us apart. The parts we can see and the part’s we can’t.

Make it messy.

Make it magnetic.

Make it move.

Make it anyway. Make it with Montage.


Social, Email, In-App, Paid, Editorial


This is VSCO Montage


How To Use VSCO Montage (Bustle)

VSCO’s Montage Lets You Create Video Collages (Mashable)

VSCO’s New Editing Tool Montage (TechCrunch)

Creative Team

Public Library, Namik Schwarz, Spencer Elias, Steven Turville, Rachel Dady, John Slye